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Resonating Metal Force



This sound library introduces reverberant aggressive metal rampage with just a hint of subtlety right before the enormous sound rushes to deliver a piercing brutal blow.


Featuring creeping evolving metal pressure and resonating rattle, gritty friction and massive rumble, explosive impacts and fierce slams, vicious screeches and nerve-racking squeaks.


Explore and layer meticulously edited source material or drag and drop high-end detailed sound effects designed for instant devastating damage.


With plenty of experimentation and unique processing, this library introduces a fresh sound palette for action adventure and horror genre, trailers and in-game cinematics.


  • This sound library is included in the Complete Bundle.
  • Complete Bundle Upgrade: If you already purchased a copy of this sound library or any other library via my website or another sfx store and would like to upgrade to the Complete Bundle, please contact me at: for an upgrade offer!
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